Our Ridge Kids leaders are excited to welcome kids each Sunday Morning, Sunday Evening and Wednesday Evening to build on their biblical foundation! We teach everything around the Gospel (Good News of Jesus!) in a fun and engaging way.
We also have family events for all ages that engage you as a family to build on your relationships with each other and others in our church family.
3rd-6th graders are encouraged to attend a service with their families on Sunday mornings.
Click here if you have a current 6th grader going into 7th grade in the fall!
Kids classes are available for each service:
Sunday Morning: 8:30 am & 10:15 am
Sunday Evening: 6:00 pm
Wednesday Evening: 6:30 pm
Parents Info:
1st-6th graders meet on the second floor at North Campus. Check-in starts 15 minutes before each service.
If you are a first time guest with us, please click here to provide us with more information about your family.
Please check in at the foyer kiosks by the main entrance. At check in, you will receive a security tag to be used at pick-up and your child will receive a nametag to wear while in our care. Check out is up the stairs on the elevator end of the building.
Thanks for trusting us with your children! We love teaching them about Jesus and appreciate your cooperation as we keep your kids safe!
HRBC cares for each child inside our family ministry. Please share your child's special needs with us here to help us best minister to your child.
Please click here if you would like to receive our monthly newsletters with dates and what we are learning on a weekly basis!
To view all church announcements, including but not limited to children of all ages, students, and churchwide events, please click here! Click here for all things RIDGEKIDS in one place- a link tree!
Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. Contact the Children’s Minister, Jackie McMinn, at the church office (601) 845-3548 or email her using the button on this page.
If you are interested in serving in this ministry, please click here.